The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1P-0419] In vivo suppression of pancreatic tumour by targeting KRAS mutations using CANDDY technology

○Satoshi Imanishi1, Lijuan Huang1, Shoko Itakura1, Megumi Saito1,3, Megumi Tsukamoto1,3, Masamichi Ishizaka1,3, Tmohiro Yamaguchi1,3, Yoichi Iwasaki1,3, Etsuko Miyamoto-Sato1,2,3 (1.M-S. Mol. Med. Sci. Lab., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2.Res. Inst. for Biomed. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 3.R&D Dep., FuturedMe Inc.)

chemical knockdown, protein degradation, undruggable, KRAS, CANDDY

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