The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-0070] Characterization of aptamers against fibroblast growth factor5 (FGF5)

○Minami Saso1, Ryo Amano1, Masato Namekata2, Masataka Horiuchi3, Takuya Yanagisawa1, Kakeru Nishimoto1, Yoichiro Tanaka4, Farhana Ishrat Ghani2, Masakuni Yamamoto2, Taiichi Sakamoto1 (1.Chiba Inst. Tech., Dept. Life Env., 2.Advangen Inc., 3.Health Sci. Univ. Hokkaido, Fac. Pharm., 4.Yokohama Natl. Univ., Res. Init. Prom. Org.)

Aptamer, FGF5, Hair, SPR

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