The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0007] Observation of Hsp104-driven severing of Huntingtin/PolyQ fibril

○Yumi Goto1, Kyoka Shibata1, Teru Ogura2, Yasuhiro Onoue2, Masafumi Yohda1, Kyosuke Shinohara1 (1.Dept. of Biotechnol & Lifesci., Grad. Sch. of Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Agric & Technol, 2.Dept. of Mol. Cell. Biol., Inst. of Mol. Embryol. and Genet. Kumamoto univ.)

Hsp104, Chaperone, Neurodegenerative diseases, amyloid, AFM

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