The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1P-557] Identification of pre-odontoblast specific GPI-anchored protein Lypd1 and it regulates cell differentiation in developing tooth

Yao Fu1, Kanako Miyazaki1, Yuta Chiba2, Keigo Yoshizaki1, Keita Funada1, Tomomi Yuta1, Tian Tian1, Kanji Mizuta1, Jumpei Kawahara1, Satoshi Fukumoto2, Ichiro Takahashi1 (1.Sect. of Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop., Grad. Sch. of Dent., Univ. of Kyushu, 2.Sect. of Pediatr. Dent., Grad. Sch. of Dent., Univ. of Kyushu)

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