The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

6:36 PM - 6:54 PM

[1PW-11-7] Impact of oral exposure to nanoplastic on microglial cells characteristics in blood-brain barrier free areas in rat: focus on the area postrema

Sabine Gouraud1, Pham Linh2,3, Yamanaka Ko4, Miyamoto Yasunori5,2, Waki Hidefumi4,3 (1.Dept. of Natural Sci., College of Liberal Arts, International Christian Univ., Tokyo, Japan, 2.Grad. Sch. of Humanities & Sci., Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo, Japan, 3.Inst of Health & Sport Sci. & Med., Juntendo Univ., Chiba, Japan, 4.Dept. of Physiol., Grad. Sch. of Health & Sports Sci., Juntendo Univ., Chiba, Japan, 5.Inst. for Human Life Innovation, Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo, Japan)

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