The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1SP-20-12] Establishing mouse subspecies-F1-hybrid ES cell lines to delineate the impacts of genetic incompatibilities upon cell differentiation

Ayaka Saito1, Ryosuke Tahara1, Michiko Hirose2, Masayo Kadota3, Ayumi Hasegawa2, Shinji Kondo4, Hidemasa Kato5, Takanori Amano6, Atsushi Yoshiki3, Atsuo Ogura2, Hidenori Kiyosawa1 (1.Lab. for Genome Sci., Dept. of Life Sci., ChibaTech, 2.Bioresource Engineering Division, RIKEN BRC, 3.Experimental Animal Division, RIKEN BRC, 4.Genome Science Center, ROIS, 5.Dpt Dev Biol and Funct Genom, Grad Sch of Med, Ehime Univ., 6.Next Generation Human Disease Model Team RIKEN BRC)

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