The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-349] Mechanism of the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact site formation

Koki Nakamura1, Saeko AoyamaIshiwatari1, Takahiro Nagao1, Reza Paraan2, Yui Sakurai3, Yudan Du1, Shogo Suga1, Masafumi Tsuboi1, Makoto Nakakido3, Kouhei Tsumoto1,3, Yusuke Kishi4, Chulhwan Kwak5, HyunWoo Rhee5, Hidetaka Kosako6, Bruno M. Humbel7, Bridget Carragher2, Clint Potter2, Franck Polleux8, Yusuke Hirabayashi1,3 (1.Dept. of Chembio., Sch. of Eng., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.SEMC, New York Structural Biology Center, 3.Dept. of Bioeng. Sch. of Eng., Univ. of Tokyo, 4.IQB, Univ. of Tokyo, 5.Dept. of Chem., Seoul National Univ., 6.Fujii Memorial Ins. of Med. Sci., Tokushima Univ., 7.OIST, 8.Dept. of Neurosci., Columbia Univ.)

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