The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2SP-21-06] The gene expression and epigenetic regulation of individual nuclei within the same multinucleated osteoclast is heterogeneous: Evidence from Intra-single cell sequencing (iscSeq)

Hiroyuki Okada1,2, Yuta Terui3, Yasunori Omata2,4, Shoichiro Tani1,2, Asuka Terashima4, Taku Saito2, Roland Baron2,5, Sakae Tanaka2, Ungil Chung1,6, Hironori Hojo1,6 (1.Cent. of Disease Biol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Dept. of Orthop. Surg., Grad. Sch. of Med., Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Biotech. Sect. 1, Product Strategy Dept., Marketing Cent., Life Business HQ, Yokogawa Electric Corp., 4.Bone and Cartilage Rege. Med., Univ. of Tokyo Hosp., 5.Dept. of Oral Med., Infection, and Immunity, Harvard Sch. of Dental Med., 6.Dept. of Bioengi., Grad. Sch. of Engine., Univ. of Tokyo)

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