The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-608] The single nucleotide variant , Rspo1 Arg111Tyr, deteriorated RSPO1 function in fetal gonads and promoted fetal Leydig cell differentiation in XX mice

Atsumi TsujiHosokawa1,2, Junlong Chen1, Hisae Nakatani2,1, Mika Hirabayashi1, Miho Terao1, Iku Tsuchiya1,3, Shuji Takada1 (1.Dept. of Systems BioMed., NCCHD, 2.Dept. Dev. Biol. Pediatr, Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., TMDU, 3.Dept. NCCHD, Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., TMDU)

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