特定非営利活動法人 日本分子生物学会

14:12 〜 14:15

[3SP-06-10_3P-590] Rasip1 is a novel Sox17 downstream target gene and cooperating factor for the maintenance of the hematopoietic cluster cells in E10.5 midgestation mouse embryo 

Melig Gerel1, Nobuhisa Ikuo2,1, Saito Kiyoka1, Tsukahara Ryota1, Itabashi Ayumi1, Kanai Yoshiakira3, KanaiAzuma Masami4, Taga Tetsuya1 (1.Dept. of Stem Cell Reg., Med. Res. Inst., TMDU, 2.Dep. of Nut. Sci., Fac. of Nut. Sci., Nakamura Gakuen Uni., 3.Dep. of Vet. Ana., Grad. Sch. of Agri. and Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 4.Dep. of Exp. Ani. Mod. for Human Dis., Cent. for Exp. Ani., TMDU)

