The Japan Society of Applied Physics

[P5-15] Influence of Thermal Annealing on Chemical Structure of Lanthanum oxide/Si Interfacial Transition Layer

H. Nohira、T. Yoshida、H. Okamoto、S. Shinagawa、W. Sakai、K. Nakajima、M. Suzuki、K. Kimura、Ng Jin Aun、Y. Kobayashi、S. Ohmi、H. Iwai、Y. Takata、K. Kobayashi、T. Hattori (1.Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Musashi Institute of Technology、2.Department of Engineering Physics and Mechanics, Kyoto University、3.Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology、4.Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology、5.RIKEN/SPring-8、6.JASRI/SPring-8)