The Japan Society of Applied Physics

[G-4-1] Electrical control of the spin-orbit interaction in a single InAs self-assembled Quantum dot

R. Deacon1,2、Y. Kanai1、S. Takahashi4、A. Oiwa1,3、K. Shibata3,4、K. Hirakawa3,4、Y. Tokura5、S. Traucha1 (1.Advanced Device Laboratory, RIKEN、2.Univ. of Tokyo,、3.CREST, Japan Science and Tech. Agency, Kawaguch, Saiatma, Japan.、4.Inst. of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan.、5.Graduate School of Pure and Applied Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. , Japan)