The Japan Society of Applied Physics

[PS-6-15] Ultrahigh Sensitive Non-Resonant and Resonant Terahertz Detection by Asymmetric Dual-Grating Gate HEMTs

Y. Kurita1, G. Ducournau2, D. Coquillat3, K. Kobayashi1, A. Satou1, Y.M. Meziani4, V.V. Popov5, W. Knap3, T. Suemitsu1, T. Otsuji1 (1.RIEC, Tohoku Univ., 2.IEMN, 3.CNRS, Univ. Montpellier 2, 4.Univ. Salamanca, 5.Kotelnikov Inst. of Radio Eng. and Electronics (Japan))