The Japan Society of Applied Physics

[D-1-3] pH and pK Sensing Modification by Cosputtered TiSiON/SiO2/Si Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure

C.Y. Hsu1、T.C. Chen1、H. Yang1、H.C. Wang1、W.T. Lin1、P.C. Juan2、C.M. Yang1,3,4,5、C.S. Lai1,4,5 (1.Department of Electronic Eng, Chang Gung Univ、2.Department of Materials Eng and Center for Thin Film Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi Univ、3.Institute of Electro-Optical Eng, Chang Gung Univ、4.Healthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung Univ、5.Center for Biomedical Eng, Chang Gung Univ (Taiwan))