The Japan Society of Applied Physics

[D-3-4] Signal Amplification of Immune-Field-Effect Transistors Using Enzyme Catalyzed Ag Reduction to Overcome Debye Screening Length

H.J. Jang1、J.H. Ahn2、S.W. Moon1、T.E. Bae1、M.G. Kim3、Y.B. Shin4、W.J. Cho1 (1.Department of Electronic Materials Eng, Kwangwoon Univ、2.Department of Nano Manufac Tech, Nano Convergence Mech Systems Res Division, Korea Inst of Machinery and Materials、3.Department of Chemistry, Gwangju Inst of Sci & Tech、4.Res Center of Integrative Cellulomics, Korea Res Institute of Bioscience and Biotech (Korea))