The Japan Society of Applied Physics

17:15 〜 18:45

[RS-B-1] Emerging Quantum Information Technologies - Quantum for sustaining the Moore’s law -

Moderator: K. Itoh1
Panelists: H. Nishimori2, R. V. Meter1, K. Ono3, M. Yamaoka4, H. Takesue5
(1.Keio Univ.(Japan), 2. Tokyo Tech.(Japan), 3. Riken(Japan), 4. Hitachi, Ltd.(Japan), 5.NTT Basic Res.(Japan))

Recent commercialization of quantum computers by D-Wave Systems followed by official entry announcements to quantum computer R&D by Google and Intel have forced the IT community to rewrite their assessments of the future of quantum IT.
The news release by Intel on Sept. 3, 2015 introduced the following comments by their CEO Brian Krzanich; “Why am I so confident? Because this is what we do best. This research is on the cutting edge of silicon, architecture and software.” It is clear that the emergence of the quantum IT is not owing to the skepticism surrounding the future of the Moore’s law but, in fact, is based on the consensus that the quantum IT is absolutely necessary for the semiconductor industry to keep the Moore’s law on the track.
In this rump session, experts on the quantum and quasi-quantum IT (algorithms, architectures, superconducting qubits, silicon qubits, CMOS annealers, and coherent Ising machine) will discuss the impact of the quantum IT on the future of the electronics industry.