The Japan Society of Applied Physics

14:00 〜 14:30

[D-4-01 (Invited)] Neuromorphic computing with spintronic nanoscale oscillators

J. Torrejon1, M. Riou1, F. A. Araujo1, S. Tsunegi2, G. Khalsa3, D. Querlioz4, P. Bortolotti1, V. Cros1, A. Fukushima2, H. Kubota2, S. Yuasa2, M. D. Stiles3, J. Grollier1 (1.Unite Mixte de Physisque, CNRS/Thales (France), 2.AIST (Japan), 3.National Inst. of Standards and Tech. (USA), 4.Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay (France))