The Japan Society of Applied Physics

13:00 〜 14:30

[SC-A-01] Basics of Artificial Intelligence -Machine Learning and Data Analysis-

K. Ohtani1,2 (1.Nagoya Univ. (Japan), 2.Human Dataware Lab. Co., Ltd. (Japan))

In this lecture, I will explain the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and how data is used for AI. AI is what we call computer programs which are capable of solving problems or making decisions without human assistance. AI has many applications, which range from entertainment (playing the role of an opponent or creating scenarios in video and board games) to real-world uses, for example, in the fields of automated driving (decision making, mapping), medical care (diagnosis, drug selection, patient monitoring) and material science (discovering and developing new materials), etc. First I will outline AI and describe some of its possible applications, and will then explain one of the basic technologies used in advanced AI systems, machine learning, and how to collect and handle data for use in machine learning. I hope that you will find the idea of machine learning interesting and that this lecture will introduce you to some of its possible applications in the field of material science, such as predicting the physical properties of new materials, or for analyzing images of existing materials to understand their properties, so that you can use AI to contribute to your research.