The Japan Society of Applied Physics

11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

[PS-8-21] Fabrication of Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) with environmental-friendly by atmospheric-pressure solution-based mist CVD

S. Sato1, N. Nitta2,5, M. Sakamoto3, D.T. Giang5, E.K.C. Pradeep4, L. Liu1, R. Phimolphan1, M. Nishi3, M. Ueda3, T. Kawaharamura1,3,5 (1.Eng. Course, Kochi Univ. of Technol. (Japan), 2.Mater. Sci. and Eng. Course, Kochi Univ. of Technol. (Japan), 3.Intelligent Mech. Sys. Eng. Course, Kochi Univ. of Technol. (Japan), 4.Faculty of Technol., Univ. of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka), 5.Center for Nanotechnology, Research Institute, Kochi Univ. of Technol. (Japan))