The Japan Society of Applied Physics

4:31 PM - 4:32 PM

[PS-6-02] Atmospheric-pressure-plasma-jet (APPJ) treatment on carbon cloth for reduce graphene oxide (rGO)-polyaniline (PANI)-chitosan supercapacitor

Y.C. Cheng1, H.H. Chien1, I.C. Cheng2, C.C. Hsu3, J.Z. Chen1,4 (1.Inst. of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan), 2.Department of Electrical Engineering & Graduate Inst. of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan), 3.Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan), 4.Advanced Research Center of Green Materials Sci. and Tech. (Taiwan))