The Japan Society of Applied Physics

11:29 AM - 11:36 AM

[A-4-04] Low Thermal Budget Epitaxial Lift Off for Ge (111)-on-Insulator Structure

〇Wen-Hsin Chang1, Hsien-Wen Wan2, Yi-Ting Cheng2, Yen-Hsun G. Lin2, Toshifumi Irisawa1, Hiroyuki Ishii1, Jueinai Kwo3, Minghwei Hong2, Tatsuro Maeda1 (1.Natl. Inst. of Adv. Indus. Sci. Tech., 2.Grad. Inst. of Appl. Phys. and Dept. of Phys., Natl. Taiwan Univ., 3.Dept. of Phys., Natl. Tsing Hua Univ.)