The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program [Oral A]

20. Materials Chemistry -Basic and Application- » Oral A

[C204-1vn] 20. Materials Chemistry -Basic and Application-

Wed. Mar 23, 2022 4:10 PM - 6:10 PM C204 (Online Meeting)

Chair: Mihoko Yamada, Katsuya Mutoh

4:10 PM - 4:20 PM

[C204-1vn-01] Syntheses of new terarylene derivatives with a curved aromatic corannulene and their photochromic behavior and optical properties

Tomoki Fujitani1, Mihoko Yamada1, Tsuyoshi Kawai1 (1. NAIST)

[Lang.] Japanese

Keywords:Corannulene, Photochromism, Terarylene, Curved Aromatic Compound, Potochemistry