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[3P] E. Molecular and Neuronal Bases of Behavior 2

Sat. Jul 2, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Poster Session Hall 2 (Ginowan City Gymnasium)

[3P-116] 3D markerless motion capture of multiple freely behaving monkeys in a group cage.

*Jumpei Matsumoto1,2, Takaaki Kaneko3, Kei Kimura3, Salvador Blanco Negrete4, Naoko Suda-Hashimoto5, Akihisa Kaneko5, Mayumi Morimoto5, Eri Sumiya3, Hiroshi Nishimaru1,2, Tsuyoshi Setogawa1,2, Yasuhiro Go6,7, Tomohiro Shibata4, Hisao Nishijo1,2, Masahiko Takada3, Ken-ichi Inoue3 (1. Dept System Emotional Sci, Faculty of Med, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 2. Research Center for Idling Brain Sci, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 3. Systems Neurosci Section, Dept Neurosci, Primate Research Inst, Kyoto Univ, Inuyama, Japan, 4. Dept of Human Intelligence Systems, Grad Sch Life Sci and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Inst of Tech, Kitakyushu, Japan, 5. Primate Research Inst, Kyoto Univ, Inuyama, Japan, 6. Cognitive Genomics Research Group, Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS), National Inst of Natural Sci, Okazaki, Japan, 7. Dept of System Neurosci, National Institute for Physiological Sci, Okazaki, Japan)

Keywords:markerless motion capture, non-human primate, social behavior, deep learning

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PW: Neuro2022
