


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

[19p-Z10-1~15] 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

2021年3月19日(金) 13:15 〜 17:30 Z10 (Z10)

石崎 賢司(京大)、滝口 雅人(NTT物性基礎研)

17:00 〜 17:15

[19p-Z10-14] Si CMOS ring resonator device for synthetic dimension photonics

Armandas Balcytis1、Tomoki Ozawa2、Yasutomo Ota3、Satoshi Iwamoto3、Jun Maeda1、Toshihiko Baba1 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ.、2.Tohoku Univ.、3.Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:synthetic dimension, topological photonics, ring resonator

We present a dynamically modulated ring resonator on a Si CMOS platform, hosting a synthetic dimension lattice spanning a 280 GHz bandwidth. Synthetic dimension dispersion relations were acquired for the first time for a Si integrated photonic device by compiling 2D plots of time-resolved ring transmittance over the 20.4 GHz free spectral range matching modulation period as a function of input laser detuning. Modulations at single and double free spectral range frequencies, corresponding to nearest- and second-nearest-neighbor mode coupled 1D tight-binding models, were employed. When both of these modulations are applied concurrently with different relative phases, it becomes possible to simulate a one-dimensional triangular ladder with an alternating magnetic flux.