


III. 核分裂工学 » 305-1 計算科学技術

[1F01-04] マルチフィジックスシミュレーション1

2022年9月7日(水) 10:45 〜 11:55 F会場 (E1棟3F 31番教室)

座長:岩田 順敬(関西大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[1F03] Numerical investigation of bubble transfer in additive manufacturing technology by a multiphase particle method

*Guangtao Duan1, Mikio Sakai1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

キーワード:MPS method, Multiphase flow, Bubbles, DEM, Additive manufacturing

The bubble transfer from the powder bed to the melt pool in additive manufacturing is investigated by coupling the MPS method and DEM. It is found that bubble radius and laser beam shapes can significantly affect the bubble transfer.