


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[2M10-13] 光子測定1

2022年9月8日(木) 14:45 〜 15:50 M会場 (E2棟1F 101番教室)

座長:野上 光博(東北大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[2M10] Development of 4pi Compton imaging system with mobile robot

*Agus Nur Rachman1, Kenji Shimazoe 1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Hideki Tomita 2, Yusuke Tamura3, Hideteki Ebi4, Jun Kawarabayashi5, Kosuke Tanabe6, Hanwool Woo7, Tadashi Orita8 (1. The University of Tokyo , 2. Nagoya University , 3. Tohoku University , 4. National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, 5. Tokyo City University , 6. National Research Institute of Police Science, 7. Kogakuin University , 8. Kavli IPMU)

キーワード:Compton imaging, Detector, Mobile Robot

Compton imaging is essential for ensuring nuclear safety, security and surveillance. This technique borrows the kinematic Compton scattering principle for the reconstruction of a gamma radiation source into an image. Currently, we develop a Compton imaging device for localized the position of the unknown radiation source. To scan a certain area, we plan to install the detector on a mobile robot to move the detector by remote control. The combination of a gamma ray detector and the mobile robot will be useful for measuring radioactive substances over a wide area or in a location where it’s difficult to access by humans. Our group adopted Ce adopted Gadolinium Fine Aluminium (Ce: GFAG) scintillator and multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) for the detector. To obtain a 360-degree field of view we design a sphere shape detector.