International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022

Presentation information


Oral Presentation

Inclusive Cities and Communities I

Fri. Aug 19, 2022 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Room III (Lecture Room 209(2F))

Keiro Hattori (CPIJ)

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2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

[056] Discussing the Influence of Governance Model on Local Resilience

Sheng-Yu Yang, Peiwen Lu

Keywords:workshop, governance, local resilience, flooding control, Taiwan

Climate change boosted the frequency and strength of extreme climatic events, so the strategy to improve local resilience become importance issue. Taiwan was used to prefer traditional embankment for flooding control, and flooding control was managed by bureaucracy with the top-down approach. As new governance model that incorporates diverse public opinion becomes more popular, decision was influenced by new governance model. From spatial planning, the connection between officer and local community are still vague. Therefore, the benefits and limitations of the new governance model need to be discussed. This study what discusses the dialogue process in Tainan Zhongtou Community, Miaoli City, and Taichung Zhenping Community based on the workshop experience that the researchers participated. The findings are strategies to enhance local resilience rely on community consensus, and the former also points out that dialogue process have influence on the strength of local resilience. Second, scholars with rich workshop experience plays an important bridge between officer and community. In the new governance model, scholars help to promote the dialogue process at the workshop.