
Oral Presentation

Packaging and Applications

[Th-1A] Testing and Radiation

2019年10月3日(木) 08:45 〜 10:15 Room A (Kyoto International Conference Center)

09:30 〜 09:45

*Jiaxing Wei1, Siyang Liu1, Sheng Li1, Lizhi Tang1, Rongcheng Lou1, Hao Fu1, Hangbo Zhao1, Weifeng Sun1, Xiaobing Zhang2, Song Bai3 (1. National ASIC System Eng. Res. Center, School of Electronics Sci. and Eng., Southeast Univ.(China), 2. School of Electronics Sci. and Eng., Southeast Univ.(China), 3. State Key Lab. of Wide-bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronic Devices, Nanjing Electronic Device Inst.(China))

09:45 〜 10:00

*Arthur Witulski1, Robert A. Johnson1, Scooter R. Ball1, Michael L. Alles1, Robert A. Reed1, Ronald D. Schrimpf1, John M. Hutson3, Arto Javanainen, Jean-Marie Lauenstein2 (1. Vanderbilt Univ.(United States of America), 2. National Institute of Aeronautics and Aerospace(United States of America), 3. Lipscomb Univ. (United States of America))





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