33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 10th Nano-Satellite Symposium & 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference


Oral Session

f) Small Satellite : Joint session with NSAT

[F-7] Flight Dynamics and Navigation

2022年3月2日(水) 16:00 〜 17:00 Rehearsal Room (BF1)

Chair:Yuji Sakamoto(Hokkaido University)

16:20 〜 16:40

[2022-f-31] Development of an autonomous soft docking of small spacecraft using visual guidance saving computational cost and hardware resources

*Asumi Nishimura1, Katsuyoshi Tsujita1 (1. Osaka Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering)

キーワード:Small spacecraft, Automatic soft docking, Visual guidance

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