

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-CG 大気海洋・環境科学複合領域・一般

[A-CG34] 衛星による地球環境観測

2019年5月30日(木) 10:45 〜 12:15 302 (3F)

コンビーナ:沖 理子(宇宙航空研究開発機構)、本多 嘉明(千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター)、高薮 縁(東京大学 大気海洋研究所)、松永 恒雄(国立環境研究所地球環境研究センター/衛星観測センター)、座長:高橋 暢宏(名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)

11:00 〜 11:15

[ACG34-14] Impact study of DPR SLH nudging method for data assimilation in the JMA Local NWP system

★Invited Papers

*幾田 泰酵1 (1.気象庁)

GPM DPR Spectral Latent Heating (GPM-SLH) profile is a very valuable product with three-dimensional latent heating information of precipitation system. The data assimilation of this GPM-SLH is expected to improve the precipitation prediction in numerical weather prediction. The impact of SLH data assimilation is investigated in the Local NWP system which includes the high-resolution numerical prediction model called Local Forecast Model (LFM) of Japan Meteorological Agency.

The purpose of the operation of LFM is to provide information on very-short range precipitation forecast and aviation weather forecasting. The initial condition for the LFM is created by hourly data assimilation in the Local NWP system because the forecast immediacy is important for the achievement of the LFM's aims. Thus the forecast of LFM from the initial condition has latest information of real atmosphere by the hourly assimilation. However, this data assimilation system consists of simple 3D-VAR combined with prediction which is capable of performing speedy calculation for rapidly updating the forecast.

GPM-SLH nudging method corrects the latent heating in cloud microphysics scheme while the numerical prediction model is running in the assimilation window. It is a very efficient method that can input SLH information into the model with keeping immediacy of forecast. In the Local NWP system, the nudging method was implemented and impact studies of SLH assimilation were conducted in typical cases of mid-latitude precipitation system. In this presentation, I will show the result of impact study of GPM-SLH assimilation and the problems to be addressed.