


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

[16p-Z11-1~14] 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

2021年3月16日(火) 13:30 〜 17:15 Z11 (Z11)

戸倉川 正樹(電通大)、藤本 靖(千葉工大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[16p-Z11-5] >2J Output Energy from Micro-photonics based DFC-chip Amplifier

Arvydas Kausas1、Rui Zhang2、Xiangyu Zhou2、Yousuke Honda2、Mitsuhiro Yoshida2、Takunori Taira3 (1.Inst. Molecular Sc.、2.Accelerator division V, KEK、3.RIKEN Spring-8 Center)

キーワード:Distributed Face Cooling, Room Temperature Bonding

In this work two multi-crystal stacked chips were made out of bonded Nd3+:YAG and sapphire crystals. By use of two-pass amplification compact setup 2 J at 25 Hz output was obtained. Further optimization of DFC chip is expected to obtain 2 J at 100 Hz repetition rate.