



座長:内田 大介(法政大学)

[I-37] Residual stresses of box-section stub-columns made of SBHS700

〇朱 卓然1、Sthapit Shranay1、Nie Jing1、小野 潔1 (1.早稲田大学)


Residual stresses of box-section stub-columns made of SBHS700
SHBS700 is considered as good material for cold working. However, there is a lack of data regarding the residual stresses for SBHS700. The purpose of the experiment is to investigate the residual stresses of a cold-formed box-section and a welded box section. For the regions expect the regions near the welding, the average normalized residual stresses for the two specimens are both low which indicated the possibility of using cold-formed structures. However, the effect caused by the difference in outside and inside residual stresses on the bending corner regions will be discussed in the further studies.

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