
Presentation information


[1Ap01-15] 表面分析研究部会「最近の表面分析いろいろ」

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM Room A (Udon)

Chair:Mineharu Suzuki, Hideki Yoshikawa(National Institute for Materials Science)

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

[1Ap06] Development and application of EnviroESCA, environmentally controlled X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system

*Takashi Yamamoto1, Paul M Dietrich2, Mirko Weidner2, Andreas Thissen2 (1. Tokyo Instruments, Inc.,, 2. SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH)

In recent years, Near Ambient Pressure XPS (NAP-XPS) has been attracting attention as a method to analyze samples such as fuel cells and catalysts under conditions close to those of actual operating environments. SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH has developed EnviroESCA as an instrument that can be deployed at the laboratory level. In this talk, we will report the features of the system in detail with actual measurement results.