
Presentation information

Surface Engineering/Thin Film/Semiconductor/Magnetic, Electronic, and Photonic devices/Electronic Material Processing(SE/TF/EMP/MI/MS)

[2Ca07-13] TF/SE/EMP/MI/MS

Thu. Nov 4, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room C (Takamatsu)


11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

[2Ca13] Creation of single photon source/spin defect in SiC toward quantum applications

*Takeshi Ohshima1 (1. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

Defects which have isolated energy levels in bandgap of wide bandgap semiconductors act as single photon source, quantum bit (qubit) and quantum sensor. Since such defects are expected to be applied to quantum technologies, the studies of such defects are intensively carried out all over the world. Here, I would focus on defects which act as single photon source in silicon carbide (SiC), such as negatively charged Si vacancy (VSi), neutral divacancy (VSiVC), carbon antisite-silicon vacancy pair (CSiVC), negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy pair (NCVSi) and oxygen-related defects near surface (its structure has not yet been identified). In the presentation, the optical and spin characteristics of such defects will be introduced. Also, the creation methodologies for such defects using particle irradiation and subsequent treatments, and oxidation will be shown. Then finally, future applications of such defects toward quantum technologies will be discussed.