
Presentation information

Vacuum Science Technology(VST)

[2Ep01-04] VST

Thu. Nov 4, 2021 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Room E (Naoshima)

Chair:Hajime Yoshida(AIST)

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

[2Ep01] Evaluation of the vacuum firing effect by the buildup test

*junichiro kamiya1, Kazuhiro Takano1, Kaoru Wada2 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Tokyo Electronics Co.,Ltd.)

As a method for reducing the outgassing from the inside of the vacuum material, high-temperature heat treatment under a high vacuum called vacuum firing has been known. The conditions for vacuum firing are 900°C for 2 hours for stainless steel at CERN and 850°C for 10 hours for titanium at the J-PARC, and so on. The reduction of hydrogen concentration in the material by vacuum firing has been reported by comparison with the non-vacuum firing material. On the other hand, there is no clear data, that shows the lower outgassing rate of the vacuum-fired material than that of non-vacuum-fired one. In this conference, we report the clear difference between them, which has been observed in the build-up test.