
Presentation information


[3Ba01-12] スパッタリングおよびプラズマプロセス技術部会「スパッタ・プラズマで切り拓くナノ構造の世界」

Fri. Nov 5, 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room B (Olive)

Chair:Takeo Nakano(Seikei University), Masahide Kuroiwa

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

[3Ba01] Nanocluster functional materials with pulsed magnetron sputtering method

*Atsushi Nakajima1, Naoyuki Hirata2, Masahide Tona2, Keizo Tsukamoto2 (1. Keio Uniersity, 2. Ayabo Corporation)

Nanoclusters (NCs) consisting of several to several hundred atoms have attracted attention as functional material units, and it is desirable to precisely immobilize NCs on a substrate for the applications of catalysts, electromagnetic and optical nanomaterials. In this research, NCs of a single component of platinum or silver or a composite component of metal-silicon are generated in ion currents of a nA order using a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering method, and they are fabricated to electrocatalysts, optical and electromagnetic functional nanomaterials.