
Presentation information


[3Ba01-12] スパッタリングおよびプラズマプロセス技術部会「スパッタ・プラズマで切り拓くナノ構造の世界」

Fri. Nov 5, 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room B (Olive)

Chair:Takeo Nakano(Seikei University), Masahide Kuroiwa

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

[3Ba07] Fabrication of nanocrystals of ferroelectric memory materials by improved sputtering

*Takashi Nishida1, Kyomi Matsuzawa1, Naoya Ohga1, Junnosuke Ono1, Hibiki Tanaka1, Chikara Watanabe1, Mizuki Inoue1 (1. Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University)

In order to realize of ferroelectric memory, high quality nanocrystals of ferroelectric materials are required.
In this study, growth of ferroelectric PbTiO3 nanocrystals was investigated with our improved sputtering method.
The nanocrystals obtained on atomically flat surface of sapphire substrate had highly homogeneity and orientation, and were aligned linearly on step edge of the atomically surface.
It was revealed that high crystalline quality ferroelectric nanocrystals were fabricated by the improved sputtering, and growth position of the nanocrystals can also be controlled.