Materials Research Meeting 2021


Oral Session

A. New Materials Methodology for Next-Generation » [A-2] Materials Integration: Prediction and Design for Structural Materials through Data Science

[A2-O5] Slot 05

2021年12月14日(火) 16:00 〜 18:00 Room P (G317)

Chair: Manabu Enoki (The University of Tokyo)

17:25 〜 17:40

[A2-O5-06] Clarification of Creep Damage Formation Behavior and Quantitative Estimation of Mechanical Performance of Weld Joint Notched Specimen for 2.25Cr-Mo Steel

*Go Ozeki1, Toshimitsu A Yokobori1, Toshihito Ohmi2, Daisuke Abe3, Keisuke Torigata3, Masahiko Demura4, Hitoshi Izuno4, Shoichi Nambu5, Manabu Enoki5 (1. Teikyo University (Japan), 2. Shonan Institute of Technology (Japan), 3. IHI Corporation (Japan), 4. National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), 5. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

キーワード:2.25Cr-Mo, Weld joint, Creep damage formation, Converted stress, QL* parameter

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