Materials Research Meeting 2021



Poster Session

B. Fundamentals of Novel Structure of Materials » [B-2&B-3] Chirality in Materials–Physical Aspect

[B2B3-PR15] Slot 15

2021年12月14日(火) 18:30 〜 20:30 B2B3-PR15 (G403-404)

18:30 〜 20:30

[B2B3-PR15-07] Incommensurate Magnetic Phases of the Multiferroic Compound MnCr2O4 Described with the Superspace Formalism

*Miguel Pardo1,2, Ayaka Toshima3, Gilles André4, Juan Basbus5, Gabriel Cuello6, Takashi Honda7, Toshiya Otomo7, Katsuya Inoue3, Yusuke Kousaka2, Javier Campo1 (1. Nanoscience and Materials Aragon Inst., CSIC (Spain), 2. Osaka Prefecture Univ. (Japan), 3. Chirality Research Center and Inst. for Advanced Materials Research (Japan), 4. Lab. Léon Brillouin (LLB) (France), 5. Centro Atómico Bariloche (CAB) (Argentine), 6. Inst. Laue-Langevin (ILL) (France), 7. Inst. of Materials Structure Science (Japan))

キーワード:Superspace, MnCr2O4, Multiferroics, Incommensurate, Magnetic Phases, Neutron Diffraction

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