Materials Research Meeting 2021


Oral Session

C. Structural Materials Based on New Principles » [C-1] Fundamental Issues of Structural Materials

[C1-O2] Slot 02

2021年12月13日(月) 14:30 〜 18:00 Room O (G316)

Chair: Shigenobu Ogata (Osaka University), Xiao Xu (Tohoku University), Koichi Tsuchiya (National Institute for Materials Science)

14:30 〜 15:10

[C1-O2-01 (Symposium Keynote)] Fundamental issues in alloy plasticity

*David Rodney1, Arnaud Allera1,2,3, Pierre-Antoine Geslin3 (1. Univ. of Lyon (France), 2. IRSN (France), 3. INSA-Lyon (France))

キーワード:Plasticity, dislocation, solid solution strengthening

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