Presentation information

Vas-Cog Symposium

[VC] Vas-Cog Symposium
Vas-Cog Asia/Japan Joint Symposium

Mon. Aug 31, 2020 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Room 10 (Okayama Prefectural Medical Association 2F miki anniversary Hall)

Chair:RyuichiMorishita(Department of Clinical Gene Therapy, School of Medicine, Osaka University),Tsong-HaiLee(Department of Neurology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital / College of Medicine, Chang Gung University)

[VC-5] Cognitive Impairment and Behavioural Symptoms After Acute Stroke in Indonesia. The INA-NB Study

Anam P. Ong1, Fasihah I. Fitri2, Ayu P. Laksmidewi3, Anni R. Silitonga4, Alya Nuryadin5, Astuti Pramono6, Sri Budhi. Rianawati7, Romie Kusumah8, Sari Wahyu. Ningrum9, Herpan S. Harahap10 (1.Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Indonesia, 2.Haji Adam Malik Hospital, Indonesia, 3.Sanglah Hospital, Indonesia, 4.Cibabat Hospital, Indonesia, 5.Salamun Hospital, Indonesia, 6.Sardjito Hospital, Indonesia, 7.Saiful Anwar Hospital, Indonesia, 8.Ujung Berung Hospital, Indonesia, 9.Soekardjo Hospital, Indonesia, 10.Faculty of Medicine Mataram University, Indonesia)

Asian countries are the hot spot of the world for dementia patients increase mainly Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the issue of Asian AD is the vascular contribution to the classical AD pathology, which is even common in recent AD autopsy. Asian countries have an international consortium to study such vascular component on AD, not only the pure vascular dementia. Therefore this symposium focuses on the vascular contribution to AD phenotype and AD pathology with pivotal speakers from the Vas-Cog Asia representatives.

Dr Ong graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Indonesia in 1989. He then went on to train in Neurology at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia (1994-1998). He obtained his MD/PhD degree from the same university in 2010. Dr Ong had his fellowship training in Behavioral Neurology at Singapore General Hospital (2000) under Prof. Alex Auchus MD, and training in Dementia and Related Disorders at St. Luke's Memory Center in Quezon City Manila Philippines (2002) under Maria Socorro Martinez MD and Jacqueline Dominguez MD. Currently he is a Senior Consultant of Neurology and Head of the Memory Clinic in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. He is also a teaching staff at Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Psychology and Post Graduate Medical Education of Padjadjaran University.
His professional activity includes being: board member of Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD) since 2006 ; board member of VasCog Asia since 2014, and board member of Indonesia Neurological Association since 2014

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