2023 Fall Meeting

Exhibitors' information

TEAM NMB, Nakase lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology

TEAM NMB, Nakase lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology

The Nakase Lab promotes innovative nuclear energy system research using a Science × Engineering × Digital technology. The numerous research themes in Nakase Lab can be broadly summarized into the following four main areas.

1. Advanced nuclear energy systems (Advanced reactors & Systems in concert with renewable energy)
2. Nuclear fuel cycle (Cycle integration, Reprocessing & Back-end)
3. Fukushima reconstruction and revitalization (Waste management and Fuel debris)
4. Actinide chemistry

NMB4.0 (Nuclear Material Balance code version 4.0), an integrated nuclear fuel cycle simulator, is being developed in collaboration with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), NMB4.0 is capable of analyzing a wide variety of scenarios of the future nuclear energy use, including a wide range of nuclear fuel cycle processes such as fuel fabrication, reprocessing, and disposal, and a variety of reactor types, and can be flexibly configured with their combinations and parameters.
NMB4.0 is an open-source scenario simulator open to the public for vigorous discussion of energy and nuclear energy strategies, and since its release in March 2022, it has attracted more than 120 users from 30 organizations in Japan and abroad. We are planning to hold workshops and symposiums to further expand and deepen the user community. Why don't you join us in forecasting and researching the future use of nuclear energy?
We really welcome new members! We, TEAM NMB, will support your learning and research!
NMB4.0 Channel

Documents of Nakase lab & NMB are following below.
Nakase lab
NMB4,0:Press Release