2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-2 Fusion Reactor Material Science (Reactor and Blanket Materials, Irradiation Behavior)

[2L04-07] Tritium Breeding Materials/Neutron-Multiplier Materials

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 10:50 AM - 12:00 PM Room L (ES Bildg. 3F ES033)

Chair:Teruya Tanaka(NIFS)

11:35 AM - 11:50 AM

[2L07] Evaluation of thermal expansion anisotropy in beryllium intermetallics

*Keisuke Mukai1 (1. Kyoto Univ.)

Keywords:Blanket, Nuclear fusion, Beryllium, Neutron multiplier

Be12Ti and Be12V are promising candidates for neutron multipliers in solid breeding blankets, which is used in a bulk form to achieve the fuel tritium self-sufficiency. Previously, significant anisotropic thermal expansions were predicted for Be12Ti and Be12V along different crystallographic axes using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Nevertheless, empirical confirmation through experimental data on thermal expansion anisotropy remains lacking. In this study, the thermal expansion behaviors of these materials were experimentally investigated by using high-temperature X-ray diffraction. Diffraction data were collected temperatures up to 873 K under vacuum condition, and structural refinement was carried out by Le Bail analysis using a partial structure.