


IV. 原子力プラント技術 » 402-1 原子力安全工学(安全設計,安全評価,マネジメント)

[2O07-10] FP挙動,FCVS

2023年9月7日(木) 11:00 〜 12:05 O会場 (工学部5号館2F 522)

座長:成川 隆文(東大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[2O07] A sensitivity analysis of the iodine production using a reaction kinetics dataset

*Giedre Zablackaite1, Hiroyuki Shiotsu1, Xiaoyu Zheng1, Kentaro Kido1 (1. JAEA)

キーワード:Sensitivity analysis, iodine chemistry, reaction rate constant, Arrhenius parameters, Monte Carlo, KICHE, RAPID

In the source term evaluation, iodine chemistry greatly impacts the release from an aqueous phase like the water pool in the suppression chamber of a BWR plant. Although the release strongly depends on the production of iodine molecules in the aqueous phase, limited information is available on the important reaction pathway in the kinetics. In this study, using a dataset in which Arrhenius parameters are provided for each reaction, an extensive sensitivity analysis with Monte Carlo sampling of the parameters is performed by the combined KICHE/RAPID codes under conditions corresponding to a severe accident. The correlation between the released amount and chemical reactions listed in the dataset is investigated as well as the uncertainties induced by temperature.