

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » Solid State Photonic Quantum Systems

[CThA7D] Solid State Photonic Quantum Systems

2022年8月4日(木) 09:00 〜 10:30 Room 107&108 (1F)

Session Chair: Man-Jin Zhong (Southern Univ. of Sci. and Tech.)

10:00 〜 10:15

[CThA7D-03] Creation of Silicon Vacancy Center in Detonation Nanodiamonds by High Temperature Annealing

*Konosuke Shimazaki1, Hiroki Kawaguchi1, Hideaki Takashima1, Takuya Fabian Segawa2,1, Frederick T.-K. So1, Daiki Terada1, Shinobu Onoda3, Takeshi Ohshima3, Masahiro Shirakawa1, Shigeki Takeuchi1 (1. Kyoto Univ. (Japan), 2. ETH Zurich (Switzerland), 3. QST (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Online

Single-digit detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) have attracted attention as single-photon emitters in many research fields. Here, the creation of silicon vacancy centers in DNDs by an annealing treatment up to 1100oC in high vacuum is reported.