

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » Novel Quantum Systems

[CTuP7B] Novel Quantum Systems

2022年8月2日(火) 13:30 〜 15:00 Mid-sized Hall A (1F)

Session Chair: Shuntaro Takeda (Univ. of Tokyo)

14:30 〜 14:45

[CTuP7B-04] Single- and Multi-Phonon Subtraction to a Mechanical Thermal State via Optomechanics

*Andreas Svela1,2, Georg Enzian2,3, Lars Freisem1,2, John J. Price1,2, Jack Clarke1, Biveen Shajilal4, Jiri Janousek4, Ben Buchler4, Ping K. Lam4, Michael Vanner1,2 (1. Blackett Lab., Imperial College London (UK), 2. Clarendon Lab., Univ. of Oxford (UK), 3. Niels Bohr Inst., Univ. of Copenhagen (Denmark), 4. Res. School of Physics and Eng., Australian National Univ. (Australia))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

By heralding events of single- and multi-phonon subtraction to a mechanical thermal state in a Brillouin optomechanical system and using heterodyne tomography, we observe non-Gaussianity in the s-parameterised Wigner phase-space distribution.