128th JGS: 2021

Presentation information



T7.[Topic Session]Advance in geochronology applied for high resolution eruption and evolution history of volcanoes

[1ch514-18] T7.[Topic Session]Advance in geochronology applied for high resolution eruption and evolution history of volcanoes

Sat. Sep 4, 2021 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM ch5 (ch5)

Chiar:Teruki OIKAWA, Shinpei Uesawa

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

[T7-O-4] High-precision age determination of volcanic deposit: 14C wiggle- matching using a small number of annual ring samples - An example from Niigata Yakeyama volcano, central Japan

*Teruki OIKAWA1 (1. GSJ/AIST)

Keywords:active volcano, radiocarbon dating, wiggle matching, historical records, Niigata Yakeyama