8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

2. Seismic site characterization and dynamic soil modeling & 3. Site effects and micro-zonation

[OS-13] Seismic site characterization and dynamic soil modeling 1

2024年5月8日(水) 11:00 〜 12:30 Room D (10F 1008)

Chairperson: David Teague (ENGEO Incorporated)

11:48 〜 12:00

[OS-13-05] Sensitivity of one-dimensional seismic ground response analyses of marine land reclamation profiles to the consideration of earthquake causal rupture parameters in selection of input ground motions

*James Dismuke1, Kevin Moyaert2, Ozgun Numanoglu1, Annelies Van de Sijpe2 (1. Schnabel Engineering, 2. Jan De Nul)

キーワード:causal rupture parameters, marine reclamation, seismic ground response analysis

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