
Oral Presentation

MOS Gate Stacks and Device Processing

[Tu-3A] Transition Layer & Fluctuations

2019年10月1日(火) 13:45 〜 15:45 Room A (Kyoto International Conference Center)

15:15 〜 15:30

[Tu-3A-06] Profiling with Depth Resolution of Sub-nm for SiO2/SiC Interface by Dual-beam TOF-SIMS Combined with Simulation

*Junichiro Sameshima1, Aya Takenaka1, Yuichi Muraji1, Yoshihiko Nakata1, Masanobu Yoshikawa1, Katsumasa Suganuma2 (1. Toray Research Center, Inc.(Japan), 2. Osaka Univ.(Japan))