Presentation information

Oral Presentation

Characterization and Defect Engineering

[Tu-3B] Quantum Technology II

Tue. Oct 1, 2019 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Annex Hall 2 (Kyoto International Conference Center)

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

[Tu-3B-06] Spectrally Stable Defect Qubits with no Inversion Symmetry for Robust Spin-To-Photon Interface

*Peter Udvarhelyi1,2, Roland Nagy3, Florian Kaiser3, Sang-Yun Lee4, Jörg Wrachtrup3, Adam Gali2,5 (1. Lorand Eotvos Univ.(Hungary), 2. Wigner Res. Centre for Physics(Hungary), 3. Univ. of Stuttgart(Germany), 4. Korea Inst. of Sci. and Tech.(Korea), 5. Budapest Univ. of Tech. and Economics(Hungary))